Billing Process

Many factors go into producing your student bill. You should know how it is prepared, what is on it and how you will receive it. This information will help you effectively manage your bill each semester.

Bill Preparation

Bills are generated on or before the 25th of the month. We collect information from several areas on campus, and present the activity to you as a consolidated bill. If you have any activity in your account, you will receive a bill from the Student Accounts Office. It is possible to have a bill due each month. We have a timeline that shows what to expect each month:

Billing Timeline

  1. August - First Bill for Fall Semester

    Invoice date: August 25

    Due date: September 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    First semester tuition and fees

    Fall Housing and Dining charges

    Parking Permit

    Scholarships, Grant and Loan payments.

    Refund of Excess Aid

  2. September

    Invoice date: September 25

    Due date: October 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Any adjustments to Tuition and Fees for class Drops/Adds

    Housing or Dining changes

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Additional Scholarship, Grant or Loan payments or adjustments

    Payments you may have made for the first bill issued in August, Due Sept 12th. 

  3. October

    Invoice date: October 25

    Due date: November 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in September, Due Oct 12th. 

  4. November

    Invoice date: November 25

    Due date: December 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in October, Due Nov 12th. 

  5. December

    Invoice date: December 25

    Due date: January 12, 2024

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in November, Due Dec 12th. 

  6. January - First Bill for Spring Semester

    Invoice date: January 25

    Due date: February 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Second semester tuition and fees

    Spring Housing and Dining plan charges

    Parking Permit

    Scholarships, Grant and Loan payments.

    Refund of Excess Aid

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in December, Due Jan 12th. 

  7. February

    Invoice date: February 25

    Due date: March 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Any adjustments to Tuition and Fees for class Drops/Adds

    Housing or Dining plan changes

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Additional Scholarship, Grant or Loan payments or adjustments

    Payments you may have made for the first bill issued in January, Due Feb 12th. 

  8. March

    Invoice date: March 25

    Due date: April 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in February, Due March 12th . 

  9. April

    Invoice date: April 25

    Due date: May 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in March, Due April 12th . 

  10. May

    Invoice date: May 25

    Due date: June 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Summer Tuition and Fees

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Scholarships, Grant and Loan payments.

    Refund of Excess Aid

    Payments you may have made for the bill issued in April, Due May 12th. 

  11. June

    Invoice date: June 25

    Due date: July 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Any adjustments to Tuition and Fees for class Drops/Adds

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Additional Scholarship, Grant or Loan payments or adjustments

    Payments you may have made for the first bill issued in May, Due June 12th. 

  12. July

    Invoice date: July 25

    Due date: August 12

    Typical items that appear on this bill:

    Any adjustments to Tuition and Fees for class Drops/Adds

    University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)

    New Charges from Health Center, Telecommunications, etc, and Other NCard Campus Account Charges

    Additional Scholarship, Grant or Loan payments or adjustments

    Payments you may have made for the first bill issued in June, Due July 12th. 

Types of Charges

The bill will show charges for classes, which may include tuition, special fees, and mandatory fees. Anytime you add, drop or adjust your schedule, you may see resulting activity on your student bill. We also bill for housing, bookstore, parking, NCard, etc. See the full listing of NCard services we bill for and each department contact information on our Charges page. You may also see chargebacks for financial aid that has been removed, fines for parking, health center charges for amounts not paid to the health center, and other misc. charges or fines.

Bill Delivery

If a student has granted eConsent, the bill is delivered online in MyRED, and an email is sent to the student’s “Huskers” email address. If a student has not granted eConsent, the bill is delivered to the permanent address on file. For more information regarding eConsent, refer to our Policies page.

Please Note: Be sure and adjust your email settings to accept emails from and to ensure that important billing notices are not sent to your junk folder. This is important because this is the only notification you will receive when the bill is available.

Due Date and Credits/Payments

The account balance is due in full each month* by the 12th of the month, regardless of what day of the week this falls on.

We accept payments from you, financial aid resources, third party sponsors, trusts and 529 plans. Please review our Payment, Credits, & Refunds page for more detail.

All scholarships, grants and loans are posted against charges as soon as the Financial Aid Office releases it to us. If you believe you are due additional funds, and do not see it posted, contact your financial aid advisor right away to rectify the issue prior to the due date.

*You may split your payments into three installments if you have signed up for the Husker Payment Plan, which must be done by the first due date (Sept 12 for Fall and Feb 12 for Spring).

Penalties for Late/No Payment

If payment in full is not received by the due date, a late fee of $35/month is assessed. To avoid the late fee, please pay by the 12th each month, or contact our office prior to the due date and discuss special circumstances with us to determine if you are eligible to have the fee waived.

Delinquent accounts will have a hold placed, which prevents further registration as well as preventing release of diplomas. NCard charging privileges may be stopped until the account is brought current. The account must be brought current to have this hold removed.

Sanctions may be taken toward a student whose account is delinquent, or required processes are not completed. When these situations arise, Student Accounts will place a hold on your account and fees may apply.

  • A $35 late payment fee will be assessed each month payment is not received by the due date.
  • HOLDS are placed on the academic records of students who are delinquent and will prohibit the release of diplomas, and may prevent future enrollment (including adds and section changes) at all NU campuses (UNL, UNO, UNMC, UNK, UNCTA) until the account is brought current.
    • For an immediate release of a HOLD, payment must be made by cash, cashier's check, money order, or credit card.
    • The University delays the release of HOLDS on accounts paid by personal checks for a period of three weeks to ensure the payment clears.
  • Additonal HOLDS may be placed by Student Accounts for:
    • Delinquent Short Term Loan payments
    • Delinquent Federal Perkins Loan payments
    • Required Perkins loan exit counseling
    • A returned check payment.
  • For students in University Housing, a delinquent balance may affect some services.
  • NCard and telecommunications services may be stopped.