Find forms and templates required by the Office of Student Accounts conveniently gathered on this page. Loan-related forms such as Perkins loan forms can be found on their respective pages.
Form 1098-T
As required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Form 1098-T is made available by January 31 to all students who had qualified tuition and other related educational expenses billed to them during the previous calendar year. The primary method to retrieve the 1098-T is through MyRED.
The 1098-T form is informational only and should not be considered as tax advice. It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit as part of their Federal Income Tax Return. IRS Publication 970, "Tax Benefits for Higher Education", as well as Chapter 35 of IRS Publication 17, provide additional information on these credits. While it is a good starting point, the 1098-T, as designed and regulated by the IRS, does not contain all of the information needed to claim a tax credit. To determine the amount of qualified tuition and fees paid, and the amount of scholarships and grants received, a taxpayer should use their own financial records. There is no IRS requirement that you must claim the tuition and fees deduction or an education credit. Claiming education tax benefits is a voluntary decision for those who may qualify.
The University of Nebraska must provide the IRS with your correct identifying number to file the 1098-T form. If you do not have a Social Security or ITIN number on file in MyRED, we will send you a request to update your records to comply with IRS regulations. You can report your identification number by completing the Student Accounts Office Request for Tax ID Number form and returning it to Husker Hub at 107 Canfield Administration Building. Instructions for completing the form can be found on page 2.
Student Accounts Office - Request for Student Tax ID Number.pdf
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is not qualified to provide legal and/or tax advice. The information provided may or may not reflect recent revisions in IRS regulations. For tax advice on your specific situation, contact a tax professional. For additional information regarding the tax benefits for education you can call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040, or refer to IRS Form 970 , "Tax Benefits for Higher Education".
Agreement to Fund Tuition and/or Fees by a UNL Department
Departments wishing to fund all or a portion of a student's tuition and fees may do so by completing the Agreement to Fund by a UNL Department form. It is necessary to complete all sections of the form, and to be specific about which charges and amounts you wish to pay. Once we receive your completed request form, we will begin working with you to administer the appropriate credit to the students.
Please Note
If the Agreement to Fund is received after the first bill is due (Fall - Sept. 12, Spring - Feb. 12, Summer - June 12), there may be delays in processing due to extra approvals necessary for late submissions. We strongly suggest that the Agreement to Fund is submitted before classes begin in order to produce the most accurate bill for our students, and to avoid any delays with refunds they may be expecting.
Departmental payments for student tuition and/or fees are usually only offered to graduate students. Generally, funding for undergraduate students should be set up through the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, 17 Canfield Administration Bldg, 402-472-2030. If you determine your payment request is not eligible to be processed through Scholarships and Financial Aid, contact us to get approval to fund an undergraduate student through departmental billing.
Non-resident Nebraska Income Tax Credit
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln established the Non-resident Nebraska Income Tax Credit (Credit) in the fall of 1995. The Credit is available to students who are non-residents for tuition purposes. It provides a tuition credit up to the amount of Nebraska individual income tax paid by themselves, an individual who claims them as their dependent, or their spouse. The Credit cannot exceed the non-resident portion of tuition.
Application for the Credit is done on an annual basis (i.e. there is only one application for the academic year and following summer). For example, the Credit you are eligible for the 2023-2024 school year (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024) is based on the tax you paid for the 2022 calendar year. Because the academic year does not correspond with the tax year, the Credit is based on the tax paid for the calendar year prior to the year in which the application begins in. The application must be received by Student Accounts within those terms applicable to be awarded and should be completed as early as possible.