Important Announcements

Your July 2024 Student Bill is available!
Friday, 07/19/24
Your July 2024 Consolidated Student Bill is available to view on MyRED.
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Undergraduate tuition is assessed by the credit hour and the program. See below for a full listing of the tuition rates and fees that apply to undergraduate students. Use the buttons to toggle between academic year and summer tuition.

Academic Year Undergraduate Tuition (Course Numbers 100 - 499)

Resident Tuition

Searches tuition entry column
Tuition Entry Additional Details In Person / Web Conferencing Field Online
Base $259.00 $259.00 $259.00
College of Architecture Courses $349.00 $349.00 $349.00
College of Business Courses $321.00 $321.00 $321.00
College of Engineering Courses Includes Comp Sci & Eng; Ag Eng; Bio Sys Eng $371.00 $371.00 $371.00
Ag. IDEA/Great Plains IDEA CSNR/CEHS - - $430.00
University Engineering Alliance - - $540.00
UNO Base $235.00 - $259.00
UNO Criminal Justice $235.00 - $259.00
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Non-resident Tuition

Searches tuition entry column
Tuition Entry Additional Details In Person / Web Conferencing Field Online
Base $830.00 $830.00 $830.00
College of Engineering Courses Includes Comp Sci & Eng; Ag Eng; Bio Sys Eng $1,082.00 $1,082.00 $1,082.00
College of Business Courses $1028.00 $1028.00 $1028.00
College of Architecture Courses $1,061.00 $1,061.00 $1,061.00
Ag. IDEA/Great Plains IDEA CASNR/CEHS - - $430.00
University Engineering Alliance - - $540.00
UNO Base $738.00 - $534.00
UNO Criminal Justice $738.00 - $534.00
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Mandatory Fees

Fee Charges Flat Rate Amount Per Credit Hour Amount
Registration Fee $20.00 -
Technology Fee - $11.00
ID Card Fee $20.00 -
Late Fee (assessed monthly if delinquent) $35 /month -
Late Registration Fee $100.00 -
International Student Fee $120.00 -
Library Fee - $8.25
University Program/Facilities Fee - Fall and Spring - Low $534.50 -
University Program/Facilities Fee - Fall and Spring - High $646.00 -
University Program/Facilities Fee - Summer - Low $209.50 -
University Program/Facilities Fee - Summer - High $252.70 -
Online Course Fee - $35.00
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Fee Charges Flat Rate Amount for Voluntary Flat Rate Amount for Required
Health Insurance - Fall $3,253.62 $1,520.62
Health Insurance - Spring $4,504.49 $2,102.49
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Summer Undergraduate Tuition (Course Numbers 100 - 499)

Resident Tuition

Searches tuition entry column
Tuition Entry Additional Details Rate EF Field ES/EX Online
Base $259.00 $259.00 $259.00
Ag. IDEA/Great Plains IDEA CSNR/CEHS - - $420.00
College of Architecture Courses $349.00 - $349.00
College of Business Courses $321.00 $321.00 $321.00
College of Engineering Courses Includes Comp Sci & Eng; Ag Eng; Bio Sys Eng $371.00 - $371.00
University Engineering Alliance - - $555.00
UNO Base $235.00 - $259.00
UNO Criminal Justice $235.00 - $259.00
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Non-resident Tuition

Searches tuition entry column
Tuition Entry Additional Details Rate EF Field ES/EX Online
Base $830.00 $830.00 $830.00
Ag. IDEA/Great Plains IDEA CSNR/CEHS - - $420.00
College of Architecture Courses $1061.00 - $1061.00
College of Business Courses $1028.00 $321.00 $1028.00
College of Engineering Courses Includes Comp Sci & Eng; Ag Eng; Bio Sys Eng $1082.00 - $1082.00
University Engineering Alliance - - $540.00
UNO Base $738.00 - $534.00
UNO Criminal Justice $738.00 - $534.00
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Mandatory Fees

Fee Charges Flat Rate Amount Per Credit Hour Amount
Registration Fee $20.00 -
Technology Fee - $11.00
ID Card Fee $20.00 -
Late Fee (assessed monthly if delinquent) $35 /month -
Late Registration Fee $100.00 -
International Student Fee $120.00 -
Library Fee - $8.25
Online Course Fee - $35.00
Program / Facilities Health Center Fee
(International Students under 6)
$61.62 -
University Programs / Facilities Fee 1 - 5 Hours $203.00 -
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Health Insurance

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